
pyrcel.driver.run_model(V, initial_aerosols, T, P, dt, S0=-0.0, max_steps=1000, t_end=500.0, solver='lsoda', output_fmt='smax', terminate=False, solver_kws=None, model_kws=None)

Setup and run the parcel model with given solver configuration.

V, T, P : float

Updraft speed and parcel initial temperature and pressure.

S0 : float, optional, default 0.0

Initial supersaturation, as a percent. Defaults to 100% relative humidity.

initial_aerosols : array_like of AerosolSpecies

Set of aerosol populations contained in the parcel.

dt : float

Solver timestep, in seconds.

max_steps : int, optional, default 1000

Maximum number of steps per solver iteration. Defaults to 1000; setting excessively high could produce extremely long computation times.

t_end : float, optional, default 500.0

Model time in seconds after which the integration will stop.

solver : string, optional, default ‘lsoda’

Alias of which solver to use; see Integrator for all options.

output_fmt : string, optional, default ‘smax’

Alias indicating which output format to use; see ParcelModel for all options.

solver_kws, model_kws : dicts, optional

Additional arguments/configuration to pass to the numerical integrator or model.

Smax : (user-defined)

Output from parcel model simulation based on user-specified output_fmt argument. See ParcelModel for details.


If the model fails to initialize or breaks during runtime.