
class pyrcel.ParcelModel(aerosols, V, T0, S0, P0, console=False, accom=1.0, truncate_aerosols=False)

Wrapper class for instantiating and running the parcel model.

The parcel model has been implemented in an object-oriented format to facilitate easy extensibility to different aerosol and meteorological conditions. A typical use case would involve specifying the initial conditions such as:

>>> import pyrcel as pm
>>> P0 = 80000.
>>> T0 = 283.15
>>> S0 = 0.0
>>> V = 1.0
>>> aerosol1 = pm.AerosolSpecies('sulfate',
...                              Lognorm(mu=0.025, sigma=1.3, N=2000.),
...                              bins=200, kappa=0.54)
>>> initial_aerosols = [aerosol1, ]
>>> z_top = 50.
>>> dt = 0.01

which initializes the model with typical conditions at the top of the boundary layer (800 hPa, 283.15 K, 100% Relative Humidity, 1 m/s updraft), and a simple sulfate aerosol distribution which will be discretized into 200 size bins to track. Furthermore the model was specified to simulate the updraft for 50 meters (z_top) and use a time-discretization of 0.01 seconds. This timestep is used in the model output – the actual ODE solver will generally calculate the trace of the model at many more times.

Running the model and saving the output can be accomplished by invoking:

>>> model = pm.ParcelModel(initial_aerosols, V, T0, S0, P0)
>>> par_out, aer_out =, dt)

This will yield par_out, a pandas.DataFrame containing the meteorological conditions in the parcel, and aerosols, a dictionary of DataFrame objects for each species in initial_aerosols with the appropriately tracked size bins and their evolution over time.

See also

companion routine which computes equilibrium droplet sizes and sets the model’s state vectors.
V, T0, S0, P0, aerosols : floats

Initial parcel settings (see Parameters).

_r0s : array_like of floats

Initial equilibrium droplet sizes.

_r_drys : array_like of floats

Dry radii of aerosol population.

_kappas : array_like of floats

Hygroscopicity of each aerosol size.

_Nis : array_like of floats

Number concentration of each aerosol size.

_nr : int

Number of aerosol sizes tracked in model.

_model_set : boolean

Flag indicating whether or not at any given time the model initialization/equilibration routine has been run with the current model settings.

_y0 : array_like

Initial state vector.


run(t_end, dt, max_steps=1000, solver=”odeint”, output_fmt=”dataframes”, terminate=False, solver_args={}) Execute model simulation.
set_initial_conditions(V=None, T0=None, S0=None, P0=None, aerosols=None) Re-initialize a model simulation in order to run it.
__init__(aerosols, V, T0, S0, P0, console=False, accom=1.0, truncate_aerosols=False)

Initialize the parcel model.

aerosols : array_like sequence of AerosolSpecies

The aerosols contained in the parcel.

V, T0, S0, P0 : floats

The updraft speed and initial temperature (K), pressure (Pa), supersaturation (percent, with 0.0 = 100% RH).

console : boolean, optional

Enable some basic debugging output to print to the terminal.

accom : float, optional (

Condensation coefficient

truncate_aerosols : boolean, optional (default=**False**)

Eliminate extremely small aerosol which will cause numerical problems


__init__(aerosols, V, T0, S0, P0[, console, …]) Initialize the parcel model.
run(t_end[, output_dt, solver_dt, …]) Run the parcel model simulation.
save([filename, format, other_dfs])
set_initial_conditions([V, T0, S0, P0, aerosols]) Set the initial conditions and parameters for a new parcel model run without having to create a new ParcelModel instance.
write_csv(parcel_data, aerosol_data[, …]) Write output to CSV files.
write_summary(parcel_data, aerosol_data, …) Write a quick and dirty summary of given parcel model output to the terminal.